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Journalists from all over Europe #Verdunoè

Writer's picture: Massimo GavelloMassimo Gavello

We took part in an interesting international press event, in its second edition, to taste the new vintage of Verduno Pelaverga DOC.

VERDUNO (Cn) - VERDUNO è UNO a that is growing - from 11 producers in 2023 to 18 this year - as is its commitment to  various events of considerable prestige, like the professional masterclass at Vinitaly led by multi award-winning wine writer and acknowledged expert on native grape varieties Ian d'Agata, or the  tastings for winelovers and enthusiasts conducted by sommelier Sandro Minella at the Cantina  Comunale di Verduno, not to mention what is now the second edition of a press event of  international acclaim, #VerdunoÈ, which brings journalists from all over Europe and Italy together in  the small Langhe village to taste the new vintage of Verduno Pelaverga DOC.  

This year we at Langhe TV Magazine also participated, in these images taken at

"La Sbornia a Verduno", much more than a restaurant but a place to explore the flavors of the Langhe in an innovative way, free from traditional schemes of classic catering.

The work carried out by Verduno è Uno on Verduno Pelaverga DOC and the promotion of the territory continues unceasingly in 2024, as president Diego Morra explains:

“The collective intent is to work together to protect and preserve this uniqueness, even as we face the challenges posed by climate change, adapting work in the vineyard with a view to always guaranteeing the finest quality grapes; to enhance the specific qualities of the Pelaverga Piccolo grape, along with those of the appellation and the area that is its elective homeland, presenting the wine, telling its story and offering it to local and international consumers;

to draw attention to the immense potential of Verduno Pelaverga DOC in terms of gastronomic pairings, as well as the undeniable versatility that makes it interesting to very different cultures and culinary traditions, something which we intend to promote particularly in this new edition of #VERDUNOÈ thanks to the involvement of Finnish chef Jyrki Sukula; to become ambassadors of a terroir, and not only of a product, understanding terroir as historical, cultural, artistic and natural heritage, reinforcing and encouraging its vocation for tourism, in agreement with the designated institutions; to welcome new colleagues who are approaching the appellation with curiosity and interest, and to work as a team, cooperating cohesively to make the voice of the Associates heard in the appropriate contexts, both locally and internationally, and inspire others to spread the word.

Verduno è Uno, the name of our association translates as Verduno is One and was chosen specifically to emphasise the two key concepts that drive our work: the uniqueness of this appellation and its territorial roots in Verduno, but also the cohesion, determination and unity of a growing group of local producers who - for almost 30 years now - have been proudly promoting this appellation's virtues.



Between the two world wars and in the post-war period, the Comm. G.B. Burlotto winery had kept the ancient tradition of vinifying Pelaverga Piccolo as a single grape wine alive. In the 1950s and 1960s, production had become meagre and scarcely exceeded 1,000 bottles per year. It was the result of the separate harvesting of the Pelaverga Piccolo plants still present in the Nebbiolo, Barbera and Dolcetto vineyards owned by the winery and some of the town's winegrowers. In 1972, Castello di Verduno organised the planting of new vineyards exclusively with Pelaverga Piccolo: this path was gradually followed by other producers.

Ph. Anastasia Florea


This step marked the founding of the Verduno producers' association, which was officially established  in 2000, but had been operating informally since the 1980s. There were six founding wineries: in  addition to Castello di Verduno, Fratelli Alessandria, Commendator G.B. Burlotto, Gian Carlo Burlotto  - Cantina Massara, Bel Colle and Vinandolo di Antonio Brero. 

The project was shared by technicians and winemakers. Support came from the institutions, starting  with the municipality of Verduno, which made a piece of land owned in the Monvigliero cru  available for the creation of an experimental vineyard. The Faculties of Agriculture and the Arboreal  Cultivation Institutes of the Universities of Turin and Milan, the Experimental Institute for Viticulture of  Asti and the Luigi Veronelli Permanent Seminar were involved in the research activities. 

The grape variety was successfully promoted thanks to teamwork, culminating in the institution of  Verduno Pelaverga DOC in 1995, a year after its registration in the National Register of Vine Varieties  (code 330). 

The first bottle dressed with the “fascetta” (the neck label) was the result of everyone's efforts, and  not those of a single winery: an institutional version, with a label created especially by Swiss artist  Henri Spaeti.  

The association now has 18w has 18 members, while 19 wineries produce Verduno Pelaverga, with a  total production of over 200,000 bottles since the last harvest, almost all of which are available for  retail sale in Italy at around 15-20 euros. 


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